Displaying isochrones and accessibility in PrT

With PrT, you have several possibilities to display the accessibility of network objects in the network:

Note: You can use all display types all at the same time.

1.  If required, change the settings for isochrones in the Edit graphic parameters window (Setting graphic parameters for the display of isochrones).

2.  On the Graphics menu, click Isochrones.

The Graphics tools (Isochrones) window opens.

3.  Select the PrT tab.

4.  Specify any further settings you need.



Click this icon to delete the list of objects and all previously executed isochrones.

Network object type

Here you select the network object type from which you want to measure the distances. The following types are provided:

  • Nodes
  • Main nodes
  • Zones

Transport system

Here you can select the transport system.

Route choice criterion

Here you can select the route choice criterion. The following criteria are provided:


Run time in the loaded network


Run time in the unloaded network


Link length


Impedance according to the assignment parameters

AddValue 1...3

Attributes with user-defined values

Search direction

Here you can specify the search direction of the isochrone.

Network objects are origins

If this option is selected, the isochrone displays the accessibility of each point in the network from the reference object.

Network objects are destinations

If this option is selected, the isochrone indicates the points from which the reference object can be reached within the same time.

Restrict search

Unlimited search

If this option is selected, the route choice criterion is not limited.

Cancel search when maximum value is reached

If this option is selected, you can specify a maximum value for the route choice criterion selected. The shortest path search is canceled when this value is reached. This saves computing time.

Maximum value

Entry field for the maximum value of the route choice criterion.


This field is only available if the Cancel search when maximum value is reached option is selected.

5.  Depending on the network object type selected, in the network click the desired node, main node or zone.

Tip: Alternatively, to select a network object, right-click in the network and search for the desired network object in the search window (Finding network objects in the network).

Note: If on the toolbar, the  Click only active objects button is activated, you cannot use the mouse to select passive network objects (Marking only active network objects).

In the Graphics tools (Isochrones) window, in the Selected network objects section, a new row is displayed for the selected object.

Note: To edit the network object displayed, in the Selected network objects section, click the network object and in the search window, search for the desired network object (Finding network objects in the network).

6.  If required, click further nodes, main nodes, or zones.

Notes: You can undo your selection by clicking a selected object again.

You can select network objects of different object types simultaneously. To achieve this, change the entry in the network object type drop-down list in the Graphics tools (Isochrones) window.

7.  Click the Execute symbol .

The isochrones are displayed according to your settings.

Notes: In isochrone mode, you can use the functions from the Network editor window's toolbars without leaving the isochrone mode.

You can switch off the display by clicking the Reset button.